
Control engineers make systems work predictably and efficiently. Improvements in many aspects of our lives depend on control systems. Examples range from room temperature control, to automobile/airplane control, to refrigerator/dishwasher control, to a large manufacturing plant or urban traffic control.

Depending on the courses selected, completion of control systems area coursework can provide additional understanding of topics in feedback control, signal processing, differential equations, dynamics, power systems, and energy conversion.

Control engineers find employment in a variety of industries including the automobile industry; the utility, energy, and power industries; the aerospace industry; manufacturing; health care; electronics; information technology; management; and more generally, anywhere a system must work efficiently and predictably.

Students interested in this FA are encouraged to consider the course suggestions listed below when completing their plan of study form:

 Plan of Study Form

EE Electrical Track RequirementsSuggested Options
Depth Elective
(Select One)
ECE:5600 Control Theory 
ECE:5640 Computer-based Control
Breadth Elective
(Select One)
ECE:3330 Introduction to Software Design
ECE:3540 Communication Networks
5000-Level ECE Elective
(Select Two)
All 5000-level depth electives listed above and
ECE:5460 Digital Signal Processing
ECE:5500 Communication Theory
ECE:5550 Internet of Things
ECE Elective
(Select One)
All breadth, depth and 5000-level ECE electives listed above
Technical Elective
(Select One)
All breadth, depth and 5000-level ECE electives listed above and
MATH:4200 Complex Variables
ECE:5420 Power Electronics
ECE:5430 Electric Drive Systems
ECE:5620 Electric Power Systems
ME:4140 Modern Robotics and Automation
ME:5114 Nonlinear Control in Robotic Systems
Additional Electives
(Select one 3 s.h. & one ≥2 s.h.)
Any of the above OR course selected in consultation with advisor.


Advising Notes

A minor in mathematics can be earned by including one qualifying math course in the FA plan.

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