Welcome to 2024-2025

In Sept. 2024, the Challenge for the 2024-2025 season will be revealed with the release of Manuals and Field Assembly Guides. These items can be found on the FIRST website.


  • All teams are required to register with FIRST by logging into their FIRST Dashboard. 
  • Teams must also register with FTC-Iowa.
  • More information can be found on the Registration Information page.

Important Information about Leagues

Generating leagues for the season is very difficult for a variety of reasons. Using the following parameters, the leagues have been generated and teams have been notified:

  1. Teams who are located at the same school, or who share a coach, are in the same league. These are considered “sister teams”.
  2. Host locations of the League Tournaments need to be leagues which most makes sense. 
  3. Teams within a league needed to be within a decent distance from each other. It was ok if teams needed to drive 90 minutes, but not ok if they had to drive 3 hours.
  4. The league sizes range from 19-26 teams. 
  5. A list of the leagues will be published at a later date.

Compass Award

Award descriptions can be found on the FIRST Website

Compass Award Description: This award recognizes an adult coach or mentor who has given outstanding guidance and support to a team throughout the year and demonstrates to the team what it means to be a Gracious Professional. The winner of the Compass Award will be chosen from candidates nominated by FIRST Tech Challenge student team members, via a 40-60 second video submission. This video must highlight how their mentor has helped them become an inspirational team. We want to hear what sets the mentor apart. 

Required Criteria for the Compass Awards 

  • All teams within the FTC-Iowa umbrella are eligible to apply for the Compass Award. 
  • Video must follow FIRST branding and design standards. 
  • Video cannot be longer than 60 seconds. 
  • Video must be of high quality, as submission may be used later to promote FIRST. 
  • Team must have permission from the copyright owners for the music used in the video. 
  • Music and permissions must be listed in the video credits. 
  • Video must be submitted prior to the deadline. Late submissions will not be accepted. 

The Compass Award will only be awarded at the Iowa Championship .

Submission Process

  • If your team would like to submit for the Compass Award, complete a submission form by the deadline.
  • Deadline: Friday, 2025
  • Late submissions will NOT be accepted. 

Iowa Championship

Information about the Iowa Championship event.