The University of Iowa College of Engineering has a special service for its corporate partners and alumni.

CareerConnection for Engineering Alumni helps match UI Engineering alumni outside Iowa with technology career opportunities at companies and agencies that partner with the College.

How do corporate partners benefit from CareerConnection for Engineering Alumni ?

  • Connect with talented and seasoned Engineering alumni outside Iowa who are interested in advancing their careers
  • Customize the list of alumni by graduation year, level of degree, major, and current location
  • Enjoy direct connections with alumni who express interest in your organization
  • Take advantage of a "no-cost" method of identifying additional candidates for positions, only available to corporate partners of the College

CareerConnection for Engineering Alumni is specifically designed to attract UI Engineering alumni outside Iowa.

Using the electronic University of Iowa alumni database, the College of Engineering can segment and identify alumni by:

  • Degree (BS, MS, PhD)
  • Major (biomedical, chemical and biochemical, civil and environmental, electrical and computer, industrial, and mechanical),
  • Graduation year(s)
  • State
Career Connection Sample Email

The College retrieves the information from the alumni database and sends a message (see example email message at right) to residential email addresses or U.S. Mail residential addresses, alerting select alumni about career opportunities available at Iowa corporate partners. The message directs those interested to a special College of Engineering web site. Alumni can simply click on your corporate logo to access career opportunities offered by you. From there, alumni network directly with your company or agency.

As hiring and job position decisions change, future messages can be sent by the College -- either to a newly identified engineering alumnus audience or, in some cases, to the same individual, depending on the target criteria.

CareerConnection for Engineering Alumni helps corporate partners inform UI Engineering alumni about opportunities where there is a good match of skills and experience. And, since ours is highly targeted, we connect you with talented and experienced alumni looking for that next career opportunity outside traditional web sites.

CareerConnection for Engineering Alumni is currently available only to those Iowa companies that are corporate partners of the College. You may select to use email or traditional mail for alerting alumni of career opportunities. There is no cost for data retrieval or for the email message delivery. However, materials, handling, and postage related to mailing the message will be invoiced to the partner company/agency.

For more information on CareerConnection for Alumni and to enhance your partnership opportunities with the College of Engineering , contact:

Alumni Relations
College of Engineering

The University of Iowa
3100 Seamans Center for the Engineering Arts and Sciences
Iowa City , IA 52242-1527
319.384.0550 Office